Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Importance of Sourcing Your Own Meat and Wildlife Conservation

Discover the ethical and environmental benefits of sourcing your own meat through hunting with insights from Josh Schwenckwe of Gastronomy Outdoors. Learn how responsible hunting practices contribute to wildlife conservation and foster a deeper connection to your food.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Herman Brune: A Lifetime of Conservation and Outdoor Adventures

Join Herman Brune on the Mudfish Adventures podcast as he shares thrilling hunting and guiding stories from Montana to Mexico, offering insights into outdoor adventures and wildlife conservation. Discover the rich experiences of a seasoned guide who has spent decades in the wilderness, bringing you closer to nature and its untold tales.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Women in Hunting: A Spotlight on Janet Holcomb First Lady of Indiana

Explore the inspiring journey of Indiana's First Lady, Janet Holcomb, as she advocates for women's empowerment and conservation through her passion for outdoor sports and leadership. Learn how she uses her experiences and platform to inspire and engage others in the stewardship of natural resources and personal empowerment.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Women in Hunting: A Spotlight on Grayson Highfield

Discover Grayson Highfield's inspiring journey from a dedicated vegetarian to a passionate hunter and fly-fisher, highlighting her transition and commitment to ethical wildlife practices. Explore her diverse experiences and advocacy for environmental conservation, making her a role model for women in outdoor pursuits.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

How Sustainable Hunting Fuels Conservation and Community in Africa: Sue Tidwell

Explore Sue Tidwell's "Cries of the Savanna," where she highlights hunting's role in African wildlife conservation and community support. Tidwell's research and firsthand experiences provide a comprehensive look at the nuanced relationship between sustainable hunting practices and their essential benefits to biodiversity and local economies.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Battle for Wildlife Management: Science vs. Social Perception in Michigan's Coyote Season Closure

Explore the implications of Michigan's recent coyote hunting season closure, which deviates from the North American model of wildlife conservation by sidelining scientific evidence in favor of social perceptions. Learn from Justin Tomei of the Michigan United Conservation Clubs about how this decision could reshape future wildlife management practices across North America.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Impact of Bad Wildlife Management Decisions on Michigan's Hunting Community

Explore the impact of the recent decision by the Michigan Natural Resources Commission to close the coyote hunting season for three months, examining its deviation from the science-based North American model of wildlife conservation. Learn how this decision could affect Michigan's ecosystem and the broader implications for wildlife management practices across North America.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Debate Over Coyote Hunting in Michigan

Explore the latest controversy in Michigan's wildlife management: the NRC's decision to close the year-round coyote hunting season for three months, sparking a significant debate between conservationists advocating for science-based management and concerns over societal perception impacting hunting traditions. Learn how this decision affects Michigan hunters, wildlife populations, and the future of hunting and conservation efforts in the state.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Mental Health Benefits of Hunting and Fishing

Discover how nature-based activities like hunting and fishing not only offer tranquility and self-reflection but also enhance mental health and cognitive functioning. This insightful article explores the restorative power of the great outdoors and its role in countering the demands of modern life, leading to increased productivity and overall well-being.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Uncharted Outdoorswomen Changing the Landscape of the Outdoors Industry

Explore the inspiring journey of Erin Crider, the founder of Uncharted Outdoorswomen, who is revolutionizing the outdoor world for women. Her unique approach combines advocacy for conservation, public land use, and breaking gender barriers, empowering women through education and inclusivity in outdoor activities.

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