Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Battle for Wildlife Management: Science vs. Social Perception in Michigan's Coyote Season Closure

Explore the implications of Michigan's recent coyote hunting season closure, which deviates from the North American model of wildlife conservation by sidelining scientific evidence in favor of social perceptions. Learn from Justin Tomei of the Michigan United Conservation Clubs about how this decision could reshape future wildlife management practices across North America.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Impact of Bad Wildlife Management Decisions on Michigan's Hunting Community

Explore the impact of the recent decision by the Michigan Natural Resources Commission to close the coyote hunting season for three months, examining its deviation from the science-based North American model of wildlife conservation. Learn how this decision could affect Michigan's ecosystem and the broader implications for wildlife management practices across North America.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Debate Over Coyote Hunting in Michigan

Explore the latest controversy in Michigan's wildlife management: the NRC's decision to close the year-round coyote hunting season for three months, sparking a significant debate between conservationists advocating for science-based management and concerns over societal perception impacting hunting traditions. Learn how this decision affects Michigan hunters, wildlife populations, and the future of hunting and conservation efforts in the state.

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