Chester Moore Chester Moore

Fly Fishing And Higher Calling Wildlife Documentaries Win Big

Flying Upstream and Higher Calling Wildlife: The Elevation, both documentaries produced by Chester Moore in collaboration with Paul Fuzinski, won top awards at the Press Club of Southeast Texas “Excellence In Media” awards. These films highlight fly fishing and outreach to children with special challenges, emphasizing conservation efforts.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

The Importance of Sourcing Your Own Meat and Wildlife Conservation

Discover the ethical and environmental benefits of sourcing your own meat through hunting with insights from Josh Schwenckwe of Gastronomy Outdoors. Learn how responsible hunting practices contribute to wildlife conservation and foster a deeper connection to your food.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Herman Brune: A Lifetime of Conservation and Outdoor Adventures

Join Herman Brune on the Mudfish Adventures podcast as he shares thrilling hunting and guiding stories from Montana to Mexico, offering insights into outdoor adventures and wildlife conservation. Discover the rich experiences of a seasoned guide who has spent decades in the wilderness, bringing you closer to nature and its untold tales.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Women in Hunting: A Spotlight on Janet Holcomb First Lady of Indiana

Explore the inspiring journey of Indiana's First Lady, Janet Holcomb, as she advocates for women's empowerment and conservation through her passion for outdoor sports and leadership. Learn how she uses her experiences and platform to inspire and engage others in the stewardship of natural resources and personal empowerment.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Charles Sheldon: The Father of Denali National Park

Explore the extraordinary legacy of Charles Sheldon, a visionary conservationist and the founder of Denali National Park in Alaska. Dive into the life of a man who, fueled by his passion for wilderness and wildlife, dedicated his efforts to preserving one of America's most iconic natural landscapes.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Women in Hunting: A Spotlight on Grayson Highfield

Discover Grayson Highfield's inspiring journey from a dedicated vegetarian to a passionate hunter and fly-fisher, highlighting her transition and commitment to ethical wildlife practices. Explore her diverse experiences and advocacy for environmental conservation, making her a role model for women in outdoor pursuits.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Understanding the Dingell-Johnson Act: A Pillar of Wildlife Conservation

Learn about the Dingell-Johnson Act, a crucial 1950 legislation using excise taxes on fishing equipment and fuels to fund U.S. fish conservation efforts. Discover how it supports habitat restoration, research, and educational programs to sustain fish populations and enhance wildlife conservation.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

Killing the Migratory Bird Act in Favor of Industry

Learn about the critical implications of the proposed changes to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act on declining North American bird populations and discover what actions concerned citizens can take to protect our avian friends. Explore how weakening this century-old law conflicts with conservation efforts established by environmental pioneers.

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Paul Fuzinski Paul Fuzinski

How Sustainable Hunting Fuels Conservation and Community in Africa: Sue Tidwell

Explore Sue Tidwell's "Cries of the Savanna," where she highlights hunting's role in African wildlife conservation and community support. Tidwell's research and firsthand experiences provide a comprehensive look at the nuanced relationship between sustainable hunting practices and their essential benefits to biodiversity and local economies.

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